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Maggie is an award-winning screenwriter and speculative fiction author with short stories, short film scripts, and poetry published in various literary magazines. Her short film script "No Word for Goodbye" and short story “The Curious Cat of Culpepper County” won Editor’s Choice Awards from The Aviator Literary E-Zine. She is the co-creator and screenwriter for the Horror-SciFi web series BloodType, an official selection at the Austin Web Fest of 2014 and NYC Chain Film Festival of 2015.


Maggie holds an MFA and BFA in Creative Writing, Associates in Graphic Design, and has trained in New Media Journalism. She has extensive experience and education in the creative and performing arts as well as the world of the scientific and the paranormal.


Despite the often surreal nature of her work, at the heart of her writing, you can always find interesting characters to care about, for it is human psychology and the power of the human spirit that enchants her the most… even though her characters aren’t always human

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